Captivate Your AudienceWhether you are pitching your company to an investor, selling a service to a client, presenting your product to a room full of potential customers, or sharing your idea or research with an audience, it's all about telling a story that compels your audience to take action, buy in, or learn more.
I've worked with dozens of entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs to help them tell their story, present to audiences and pitch to investors. Let's work on your story together! |
How I work with clients:
ContentContent is critical. I work with clients to distill down to the key points, focus on what to emphasize, how to illustrate a point and keep it concise and compelling.
PreparationEveryone needs to prepare differently. Some might need to pump themselves up for a pitch, Others might need to calm themselves down. Regardless of the need, I help clients come up with a routine to be ready for the big moment.
DeliveryPractice makes perfect! I help clients master the delivery for maximum impact! We work to perfect a style until it feels natural by focusing on presence, body language, vocal tone, cadence and more.
ConnectionAudiences want to connect with the speaker, the content and know what to do next! I help clients with that "secret sauce" that really draws the audience in and compels them to connect, engage and take action.